Extending geometrical acoustics to highy detailed architectural environments

Nicolas Tsingos, Carsten Dachsbacher, Silvain Lefebvre, Matteo Dellepiane
19th International Congress on Acoustics, Madrid - 2007
Download the publication : Tsingos_et_al_Extending_Geometrical.pdf [318Ko]  

BibTex references

  author       = "Tsingos, Nicolas and Dachsbacher, Carsten and Lefebvre, Silvain and Dellepiane, Matteo",
  title        = "Extending geometrical acoustics to highy detailed architectural environments",
  booktitle    = "19th International Congress on Acoustics, Madrid",
  year         = "2007",
  url          = "http://vcg-legacy.isti.cnr.it/Publications/2007/TDLD07a"

Other publications in the database

» Nicolas Tsingos
» Carsten Dachsbacher
» Silvain Lefebvre
» Matteo Dellepiane