Mutual Correspondences: an hybrid method for image-to-geometry registration

Eurographics Italian Chapter Conference 2010, page 81-88 - Nov 2010
Download the publication : Sottile_et_al_MC.pdf [4.2Mo]  

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BibTex references

  author       = "Sottile, Michele and Dellepiane, Matteo and Cignoni, Paolo and Scopigno, Roberto",
  title        = "Mutual Correspondences: an hybrid method for image-to-geometry registration",
  booktitle    = "Eurographics Italian Chapter Conference 2010",
  pages        = "81-88",
  month        = "Nov",
  year         = "2010",
  publisher    = "EG",
  url          = ""

Other publications in the database

» Matteo Dellepiane
» Paolo Cignoni
» Roberto Scopigno