Documentation and Interpretation of an Archeological Excavation: an Experience with Dense Stereo Reconstruction Tools
VAST: The 11th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage, page 33-40 - October 2011
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@InProceedings\{CDDSSL11, author = "Callieri, Marco and Dell Unto, Nicolo and Dellepiane, Matteo and Scopigno, Roberto and Soderberg, Bengt and Larsson, Lars", title = "Documentation and Interpretation of an Archeological Excavation: an Experience with Dense Stereo Reconstruction Tools ", booktitle = "VAST: The 11th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage", pages = "33-40", month = "October", year = "2011", publisher = "Eurographics", organization = "Eurographics", url = "" }