Virtual Reconstruction of an Etruscan Tomb

Proceedings of Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT), page 1-13 - November 2012
Download the publication : eBook_CHNT17_Dellepiane.pdf [523Ko]  

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BibTex references

  author       = "Batino, Sabrina and Callieri, Marco and Duranti, Daniele and Dellepiane, Matteo and Pingi, Paolo and Siotto, Eliana and Scopigno, Roberto",
  title        = "Virtual Reconstruction of an Etruscan Tomb",
  booktitle    = "Proceedings of Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT)",
  pages        = "1-13",
  month        = "November",
  year         = "2012",
  publisher    = "Museen der Stadt Wien \^a€“ Stadtarchäologie ",
  url          = ""

Other publications in the database

» Sabrina Batino
» Marco Callieri
» Matteo Dellepiane
» Paolo Pingi
» Eliana Siotto
» Roberto Scopigno