A Parallel Architecture for Interactive Rendering of Scattering and Refraction Effects

Daniele Bernabei, Ajit Hakke Patil, Francesco Banterle, Marco Di Benedetto, Fabio Ganovelli, Sumanta Pattanaik, Roberto Scopigno
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Volume 32, Number 2, page 34--43 - March/April 2012
Download the publication : parallel_gi_IEEE.pdf [8.5Mo]  

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BibTex references

  author       = "Bernabei, Daniele and Hakke Patil, Ajit  and Banterle, Francesco and Di Benedetto, Marco and Ganovelli, Fabio and Pattanaik, Sumanta and Scopigno, Roberto",
  title        = "A Parallel Architecture for Interactive Rendering of Scattering and Refraction Effects",
  journal      = "IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications",
  number       = "2",
  volume       = "32",
  pages        = "34--43 ",
  month        = "March/April",
  year         = "2012",
  url          = "http://vcg-legacy.isti.cnr.it/Publications/2012/BHBDGPS12"

Other publications in the database

» Daniele Bernabei
» Francesco Banterle
» Marco Di Benedetto
» Fabio Ganovelli
» Sumanta Pattanaik
» Roberto Scopigno