Color Correction for Tone Reproduction
CIC21: Twenty-first Color and Imaging Conference, page 215--220 - November 2013
High dynamic range images require tone reproduction to match the range of values to the capabilities of the display. For computational reasons as well as absence of fully calibrated imagery, rudimentary color reproduction is often added as a post-processing step rather than integrated into the tone reproduction algorithm. However, in the general case this currently requires manual parameter tuning, although for some global tone reproduction operators, parameter settings can be inferred from the tone curve. We present a novel and fully automatic saturation correction technique, suitable for any tone reproduction operator, which exhibits better color reproduction than the state-of-the-art and we validate its comparative effectiveness through psychophysical experimentation.Images and movies
BibTex references
@InProceedings\{PABASR13, author = "Pouli, Tania and Artusi, Alessandro and Banterle, Francesco and Akyuz, Ahmet Oguz and Seidel, Hans-Peter and Reinhard, Erik", title = "Color Correction for Tone Reproduction", booktitle = "CIC21: Twenty-first Color and Imaging Conference", pages = "215--220", month = "November", year = "2013", publisher = "Society for Imaging Science and Technology (IS\&T)", organization = "Society for Imaging Science and Technology (IS\&T)", keywords = "High dynamic range (HDR) imaging; tone mapping, color correction", url = "" }