3D Reconstruction for Featurless Scenes with Curvature Hints

The Visual Computer - 2015
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We present a novel interactive framework for improving 3D reconstruction starting from incomplete or noisy results obtained through image-based reconstruction algorithms. The core idea is to enable the user to provide localized hints on the curvature of the surface, which are turned into constraints during an energy minimization reconstruction. To make this task simple we propose two algorithms. The first is a multi-view segmentation algorithm that allows the user to propagate the foreground selection of one or more images both to all the images of the input set and to the 3D points, in order to accurately select the part of the scene to be reconstructed. The second is a fast GPU-based algorithm for the reconstruction of smooth surfaces from multiple views, which incorporates the hints provided by the user. We show that our framework can turn a poor quality reconstruction produced with state-ofthe-art image-based reconstruction methods into a high quality one.

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BibTex references

  author       = "Baldacci, Andrea and Bernabei, Daniele and Ganovelli, Fabio and Corsini, Massimiliano and Scopigno, Roberto",
  title        = "3D Reconstruction for Featurless Scenes with Curvature Hints",
  journal      = "The Visual Computer",
  year         = "2015",
  url          = "http://vcg-legacy.isti.cnr.it/Publications/2015/BBGCS15"

Other publications in the database

» Andrea Baldacci
» Daniele Bernabei
» Fabio Ganovelli
» Massimiliano Corsini
» Roberto Scopigno