3DHOP: 3D Heritage Online Presenter

Computers & Graphics, Volume 52, page 129-141 - November 2015
Download the publication : C&G2015 (Post) - 3DHOP 3D Heritage Online Presenter.pdf [7.8Mo]  

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BibTex references

  author       = "Potenziani, Marco and Callieri, Marco and Dellepiane, Matteo and Corsini, Massimiliano and Ponchio, Federico and Scopigno, Roberto",
  title        = "3DHOP: 3D Heritage Online Presenter",
  journal      = "Computers \& Graphics",
  volume       = "52",
  pages        = "129-141",
  month        = "November",
  year         = "2015",
  keywords     = "Online presentation; WebGL; 3D web; Web based 3D rendering; Online 3D content deployment; Cultural Heritage",
  url          = "http://vcg-legacy.isti.cnr.it/Publications/2015/PCDCPS15"

Other publications in the database

» Marco Potenziani
» Marco Callieri
» Matteo Dellepiane
» Massimiliano Corsini
» Federico Ponchio
» Roberto Scopigno