The HDR-video pipeline
Eurographics 2016 Tutorials - May 2016
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High dynamic range (HDR) video technology has gone through remarkable developments over the last few years; HDR-video cameras are being commercialized, new algorithms for color grading and tone mapping specifically designed for HDR-video have recently been proposed, and the first open source compression algorithms for HDR-video are becoming available. HDR-video represents a paradigm shift in imaging and computer graphics, which has and will continue to generate a range of both new research challenges and applications. This intermediate-level tutorial will give an in-depth overview of the full HDR-video pipeline present several examples of state-of-the-art algorithms and technology in HDR-video capture, tone mapping, compression and specific applications in computer graphics.
BibTex references
author = "Unger, Jonas and Banterle, Francesco and Eilertsen, Gabriel and Mantiuk, Rafal ",
title = "The HDR-video pipeline",
booktitle = "Eurographics 2016 Tutorials",
month = "May",
year = "2016",
publisher = "Eurographics Association",
keywords = "high dynamic range imaging, hdr video, tone mapping, video tonemapping, hdr video comrpession, image-based lighting",
url = ""
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