Advanced High Dynamic Range Imaging

CRC Press - 2017

link to the official website

link to the HDR Toolbox git repository

Table of Contents

This book is a practical introduction to the field of High Dynamic Range imaging that combines photography, computer vision, and computer graphics. The second edition focuses on HDR video content that is increasing its importance given the introduction in the market of affordable HDR televisions. Furthermore, we have revised and expanded previous content. As in the first edition, the book provides detailed equations and Matlab code. This allows the reader to have the tools for experimenting with HDR Imaging for producing compelling images.

The book is divided in the following chapters:

  1. Introduction (a brief introduction on light, human vision, and color spaces);
  2. HDR Content Generation;
  3. Tone Mapping;
  4. New Trend in Tone Mapping;
  5. HDR Video Tone Mapping;
  6. Expansion Operators for Low Dynamic Range Content;
  7. Image-Based Lighting;
  8. HDR Image Compression;
  9. HDR Video Compression;
  10. Evaluation.
The book provides three appendecies on the bilateral filter, color spaces, and how to use the HDR Toolbox for Matlab.

Images and movies


BibTex references

  author       = "Banterle, Francesco and Artusi, Alessandro and Debattista, Kurt and Chalmers, Alan",
  title        = "Advanced High Dynamic Range Imaging",
  year         = "2017",
  publisher    = "CRC Press",
  edition      = "Second Edition",
  keywords     = "high dynamic range, HDR, tone mapping, reverse tone mapping, inverse tone mapping, expasion operators, HDR video, camera response function, HDR video tone mapping, HDR color management, HDR color gamut, HDR video compression, Image-based lighting",
  url          = ""

Other publications in the database

» Francesco Banterle
» Alessandro Artusi
» Kurt Debattista
» Alan Chalmers