A visualization tool for scholarly data

STAG: Smart Tools and Apps for Graphics, page 11-19 - nov 2019
Download the publication : ReviewerNet_author_version.pdf [1.1Mo]  

We propose ReviewerNet, an online, interactive visualization system aimed to improve the reviewer selection process in the academic domain. Given a paper submitted for publication, we assume that good candidate reviewers can be chosen among the authors of a small set of pertinent papers; ReviewerNet supports the construction of such set of papers, by visualizing and exploring a literature citation network. Then, the system helps to select reviewers that are both well distributed in the scientific community and that do not have any conflict-of-interest, by visualising the careers and co-authorship relations of candidate reviewers. The system is publicly available, and is demonstrated in the field of Computer Graphics.

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BibTex references

  author       = "Salinas, Mario  and Giorgi, Daniela and Ponchio, Federico and Cignoni, Paolo",
  title        = "A visualization tool for scholarly data",
  booktitle    = "STAG: Smart Tools and Apps for Graphics",
  pages        = "11-19",
  month        = "nov",
  year         = "2019",
  organization = "Eurographics",
  url          = "http://vcg-legacy.isti.cnr.it/Publications/2019/SGPC19"

Other publications in the database

» Mario Salinas
» Daniela Giorgi
» Federico Ponchio
» Paolo Cignoni