A High Quality 3D Controller for Mobile and Desktop Web Applications

Daniele Fornari, Luigi Malomo, Paolo Cignoni
Smart Tools and Apps for Graphics - Eurographics Italian Chapter Conference, page isti - oct 2021
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The interaction between a 2D input device (like a mouse or a touchscreen) and a 3D object on the screen with the purpose of examining it in detail is a well-studied interaction problem. The inherent difference in degrees of freedom between input devices and possible 3D transformations makes it difficult to intuitively map inputs to operations to be performed on 3D objects. Although, over the years, studies led to a wide variety of solutions to overcome this problem, most of them are not actually available in real-world applications. In particular, for 3D web applications, only basic solutions are often implemented, and even the most used web framework for 3D still lacks state of the art implementations. We will face the problem of 3D interaction through touch and mouse input, and we propose our implementation of a 3D view manipulator for web applications, which offers a natural control, advanced functionalities, and provides an easy-to-use interface for both desktop and mobile environments.

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See also

Paper DOI: 10.2312/stag.20211480

BibTex references

  author       = "Fornari, Daniele and Malomo, Luigi and Cignoni, Paolo",
  title        = "A High Quality 3D Controller for Mobile and Desktop Web Applications",
  booktitle    = "Smart Tools and Apps for Graphics - Eurographics Italian Chapter Conference",
  pages        = "isti",
  month        = "oct",
  year         = "2021",
  editor       = "Patrizio Frosini, Daniela Giorgi, Simone Melzi, Emanuele Rodolà",
  publisher    = "The Eurographics Association",
  organization = "Eurographics",
  url          = "http://vcg-legacy.isti.cnr.it/Publications/2021/FMC21"

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» Luigi Malomo
» Paolo Cignoni