Challenges in the deep learning-based semantic segmentation of benthic communities from Ortho-images

Gaia Pavoni, Massimiliano Corsini, Nicole Pedersen, Vid Petrovic, Paolo Cignoni
Applied Geomatics, Volume 13, page 131–146 - mar 2021
Download the publication : ChallengesSemanticSegmentationBenthic-preprint.pdf [1.7Mo]  

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BibTex references

  author       = "Pavoni, Gaia and Corsini, Massimiliano and Pedersen, Nicole and Petrovic, Vid and Cignoni, Paolo",
  title        = "Challenges in the deep learning-based semantic segmentation of benthic communities from Ortho-images",
  journal      = "Applied Geomatics",
  volume       = "13",
  pages        = "131\^a€“146",
  month        = "mar",
  year         = "2021",
  keywords     = "Underwater monitoring, Coral reefs surveys, Semantic Segmentation, Automatic classification, Deep learning",
  url          = ""

Other publications in the database

» Gaia Pavoni
» Massimiliano Corsini
» Nicole Pedersen
» Paolo Cignoni