Documentation and analysis of the deformations of the panel and painted surface with 3D scanning
EDIFIR, Volume 57, page 281-286 - 2021
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@InBook\{PSPS21, author = "Pingi, Paolo and Siotto, Eliana and Palma, Gianpaolo and Scopigno, Roberto", title = "Documentation and analysis of the deformations of the panel and painted surface with 3D scanning", series = "PROBLEMI DI CONSERVAZIONE E RESTAURO", volume = "57", pages = "281-286", year = "2021", publisher = "EDIFIR", note = "Capitolo in in M. Ciatti, C. Frosinini eds., The restoration of Leonardo da Vinci s Adoration of the Magi Rediscovering a masterpiece, ISBN 978-88-9280-038-0", url = "" }