State of the Art in Computational Mould Design

Computer Graphics Forum, Volume 41, Number 6, page 435-452 - sep 2022
Download the publication : star_molding_submitted.pdf [32.4Mo]  

Moulding refers to a set of manufacturing techniques in which a mould, usually a cavity or a solid frame, is used to shape a liquid or pliable material into an object of the desired shape. The popularity of moulding comes from its effectiveness, scalability and versatility in terms of employed materials. Its relevance as a fabrication process is demonstrated by the extensive literature covering different aspects related to mould design, from material flow simulation to the automation of mould geometry design. In this state-of-the-art report, we provide an extensive review of the automatic methods for the design of moulds, focusing on contributions from a geometric perspective. We classify existing mould design methods based on their computational approach and the nature of their target moulding process. We summarize the relationships between computational approaches and moulding techniques, highlighting their strengths and limitations. Finally, we discuss potential future research directions.

The published version is available at the following link

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BibTex references

  author       = "Alderighi, Thomas and Malomo, Luigi and Auzinger, Thomas and Bickel, Bernd and Cignoni, Paolo and Pietroni, Nico",
  title        = "State of the Art in Computational Mould Design",
  journal      = "Computer Graphics Forum",
  number       = "6",
  volume       = "41",
  pages        = "435-452",
  month        = "sep",
  year         = "2022",
  url          = ""

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» Thomas Alderighi
» Luigi Malomo
» Bernd Bickel
» Paolo Cignoni
» Nico Pietroni