Enhancing processing and visualization efficiency of 3D scanned meshes

International Symposium on the CREST Digital Archiving Project, page 58-64 - Mar. 8--9 2005
Download the publication : CREST05.pdf [7.3Mo]  

BibTex references

  author       = "Callieri, Marco and Cignoni, Paolo and Fasano, Andrea and Montani, Claudio and Pingi, Paolo and Ponchio, Federico and Scopigno, Roberto",
  title        = "Enhancing processing and visualization efficiency of 3D scanned meshes",
  booktitle    = "International Symposium on the CREST Digital Archiving Project",
  pages        = "58-64",
  month        = "Mar. 8--9",
  year         = "2005",
  address      = "Tokyo (Japan)",
  url          = "http://vcg-legacy.isti.cnr.it/Publications/2005/CCFMPPS05"

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» Marco Callieri
» Paolo Cignoni
» Andrea Fasano
» Claudio Montani
» Paolo Pingi
» Federico Ponchio
» Roberto Scopigno