Montani's publications with Visual Computing Lab
Publications in 2008
EDIFIR, Edizioni Firenze, page 69-72 - 2008
Publications in 2007
Proceedings of Electronic imaging & the visual arts, EVA 2007 Florence, - March 2007
Archeologia e Calcolatori, Volume 18, page 163-179 - Dicembre (Supplemento 1) 2007
Il CNR e le strategie di conservazione del Patrimonio Culturale, CNR, page 133-138 - 2007
O3A: Optics for Arts, Architecture, and Archaeology, 20-22 June 2007, Munich (D), Volume 6618, page 0E1-0E8 - 2007
Publications in 2006
IEEE Transaction on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Volume 12, Number 6 - sep/oct 2006
10 Conferenza Nazionale ASITA 2006 - 2006
La Cattedrale di Pisa nella Piazza dei Miracoli: un rilievo 3D per l’integrazione con i sistemi informativi di documentazione storica e di restauro

Restauro 2006: Salone dell'Arte del Restauro e della Conservazione dei Beni Culturali e Ambientali, Acropoli srl - 2006
La Cattedrale di Pisa: Un rilievo 3D per l'integrazione con i sistemi informativi di documentazione storica e di restauro

Architetti: Idee, Cultura e Progetto, Number 6/7, page 10--11 - jun--jul 2006
Fourth Eurographics Italian Chapter 2006, page 177-182 - 2006
Proceedings of Eurographics Conference - Short Papers, page 127-131 - 2006
The 7th International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage (VAST 2006), page 100--110 - nov. 2006
Publications in 2005
3D Digital Imaging and Modeling: Applications of Heritage, Industry, Medicine and Land, Workshop Italy-Canada - 17-18 May 2005 2005
International Symposium on the CREST Digital Archiving Project, page 58-64 - Mar. 8--9 2005
Computer Graphics Forum, Volume 24, Number 3, page 517-526 - 2005
Mc Graw Hill - 2005
Multimedia Information@DEsign for Cultural Heritage, Milan, 5 Apr. 2005 - 2005
The Visual Computer, Volume 21, Number 8-10, page 619--628 - sep 2005
Tools for inverse mapping and visualization of multi-spectral image data on 3D scanned representations of drawings

SPIE International Symposium on Optical Metrology, 13-17 June 2005, Munich, Germany - 2005
Graphics Tools – The JGT Editors’ Choice, A. K. Peters Ltd., page 89--92 - 2005